Monday, January 24, 2011

Experiment #1: Tortilla Pie

And here it is! The highly anticipated (by 2 people) 7 Layer Tortilla Pie! I must say though, it tasted better than it looked. It was then when I realized that cooking AND documenting WHILE being hungry is quite the task! Thanks to the boyfriend who did all the chopping while I cheered him on. I helped layering...HAHA

SO after giving it some thought, of how we could make the healthy dinner entre into a heart attack...we decided on the following ingredients:

  • Ground pork seasoned with Fajita seasoning, and pasta sauce
  • Diced tomatoes 
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Mushrooms
  • Red Pepper
  • Refried Beans
  • Salsa
  • Crab meat (yum!)
  • The tortilla of choice was SPINACH TORTILLAS

...and so it begins...

1st Layer: Refried Beans, salsa, garlic and cheese

Doesn't this look lovely? My thoughts exactly....

2nd Layer: Pork, peppers, mushrooms, garlic, onions, CHEESE!
Yap, this layer looks way better
3rd Layer: Salsa, onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, and of course, MORE CHEESE!

I think by this layer, we pretty much determined that this dinner is going to be a hefty one...hmm! What to put on there next?
4th Layer: beans, crabs, tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic, and you guessed it...formage.

lol what more do you want me to say? I never sais this was going to be a healthy meal....

                O                                   M                                  G

5th Layer: Crab meat, tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic, and cheese

this is probably the only layer that didn't look like a clogged up artery

6th Layer: Remainder of the meat, beans, salsa, mushrooms and...cheese

By this time I was jumping up and down for excitement...and forgot to take a picture of the layer....

7th Layer: all the veggies, cheese, and more cheese (marble and asiago)

Yes...I am aware the amount of cheese in that pie....and I love it.
VOILA! Done and Done! Now it's time for the super oven to do its magic! But in the meantime, check out these layer pictures:'s like growing your own baby...a FOOD BABY that is...

BEHOLD! The moment of truth!
...yea, it doesn't look that great...but boy did it ever taste good! I was quite happy with the flavors that came through... presentation-wise, not so much. But that's got something to do with my cooking skills I think, which definitely has room for improvement!....maybe next time I'll toast each layer at a time to get the edges more crunchy!

I didn't get to finish my slice of pie...and I plan to make tortilla soup with the leftovers...HAHA! How brave I am!

And that is all!!



1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! You really went all out eh?
    You could always turn the broiler on for a couple minutes at the end. You'd get some good crunch action going on then.
    I still want to make this so badly. I knew I should have bought more cheese this weekend!
